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Amenity Horticultural Worker

Amenity horticultural workers are responsible for all stages in the care and planting of flower beds, trees, shrubs and lawns in public parks, sports fields, roadside verges and green areas around public buildings. The work may include general maintenance of green areas plus erecting fences and laying paths.

Adult Opportunities
There is no formal upper age limit for entry into this occupation although a level of physical fitness is required. Experience in gardening or other outdoor work, paid or unpaid, can be an advantage.
Mature entrants, normally defined as people aged 23 years or over, can find that educational institutions will relax normal academic entrance requirements for higher education courses especially if their previous work experience is relevant and if they show a genuine aptitude for this type of work.

Further Information
Contact your local SOLAS office for Career Guidance, planning and support that will help you make informed decisions about the best career direction for you

Information courtesy of SOLAS.