On completion of this two-year apprenticeship, you will become a fully qualified sportsturf technician, with an NFQ Level 6 Higher Certificate in Sportsturf Management.
You may then choose to work as a sportsturf technician in a range of industries such as horseracing, golfing, and football. You may also use the qualification to progress within the sector and/or to higher education programmes.
Role as a Sportsturf technician
As a sports turf technician you will carry out core maintenance tasks on sportsturf facilities such as golf courses, sports pitches, racecourses, training gallops, bowling greens, pitch and putt clubs and cricket clubs, tennis courts, and parks/amenity areas.
Typical tasks will include mowing, repairs, checking for pest and diseases, facility set up, and operation and maintenance of equipment.
By the end of your training, you will be able to:
Understand the basics of soil science, drainage, and irrigation
Identify turfgrasses commonly used in sportsturf in Ireland
Apply plant protection products as a trained professional user
Use professional reel and bedknife grinders to sharpen cylinder mowers
Work safely and productively in a sports turf setting, following appropriate safety, environment and risk checks
Set up, repair and maintain sportsturf-specific equipment such as tractors, aerators, triplex mowers, fairway mowers, top dresser and sprayers
To find out more about this apprenticeship, check out the following:
Further information is also available from:
Marcella Phelan or Eamon Kealy
Teagasc Kildalton College, Piltown, Co. Kilkenny, E32 YW08
Tel: + 353 (0)51 644400
Email: sportsturf@teagasc.ie
Web: www.teagasc.ie