Nangle and Niesen Ltd is a family-run specialist tree nursery and for almost 50 years we have grown and supplied field-grown trees and hedging plants to the Irish and European markets. At our tree nursery in Aherla, Co. Cork we grow close to 40,000 trees, across more than 200 varieties, and over 100 acres. From our earliest days, we have gained a reputation for quality, both in respect of our production and husbandry methods, and for the trees, we grow. Our staff who care for these trees, bring with them a wealth of training, knowledge and experience.
Within Nangle and Niesen we are committed to ongoing developments in growing methods to produce the best trees we can for the ultimate benefit of our customers. With its Dutch origins, the tree nursery has always been committed to the most advanced technological production operations while also being sympathetic to the local ecology. Allied to that we continue to work hard in building and growing our customer relationships making sure you will receive the best possible service. Our nationwide distribution network allied to an extensive variety of trees means we are ideally suited to service all types of projects. We supply to the public, to landscape contractors, architects, designers, retail and wholesale nurseries, public bodies, estates and farms, golf courses, commercial developments and community-led schemes.
Nangle and Niesen Ltd has been accredited with a 'Quality Award' in recognition of standards achieved under the Bord Bia Nursery Quality Programme.