The College of Amenity Horticulture is located at the National Botanic Gardens, Glasnevin, Dublin, 5km north west of the city
Having the college located in the national Botanic Gardens provides students with a unique training opportunity. There is a strong tradition of training at the National Botanic Gardens dating back to 1812.
Our aim is to train students for employment in the amenity horticulture industry. We provide our training in association with OPW, Dublin Municipal Parks departments and the Golfing Union of Ireland.
While on courses students are trained in the theory and practice of horticulture and get an opportunity to work in a practical way alongside skilled horticulturalists as part of their training.
Graduates of our courses contribute in many sectors of the horticulture industry, such
All aspects of Horticulture are being studied on our programmes at all levels and prospective students should contact the college directly or attend a careers and course day to find out more information.
John Mulhern, College Principal,